The Sage

Welcome to Crookedly Lit. I created this blog as a means to record (remember) the cigars that I smoke, and the whiskey that I drink. Along the way I ramble and reflect on life and reason and virtue.

If I were to describe myself, I would say this:

I'm a Thinker, blogger, Cigar Smoker, Whiskey Drinker, Philosopher, and a bit Daft.

When you see an author by the name of Daft Sage, that's me. To read more about starting this blog read PRIMO, my first post.

Why Crookedly Lit?

Crookedly Lit is a shout out to how life never seems to work out like you planned. Sometimes the cigar burns obliquely. 

Such is life!

Why Philosophy

Philosophy has been an integral part of my life since an obligatory class at university. We discussed western philosophy centered on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. That class led to others, including a semester where I singularly studied Alexander the Great.

What an amazing opportunity to learn about such a focused topic.

After college, I expanded my studies and never ceased to be curious. I'm fascinated by eastern philosophy and how though in separate parts of the world and at different times, the great philosophers had so much in common.

I continue to learn, and am grateful for the men and woman who have continued the quest, the love of wisdom, to this very day.

I used to teach. I suppose I will always be a teacher. I would often tell my students that if there is just one thing that I want them to learn during our time together, it was for them to learn to think. 

I believe thought and reason are in short supply and always have been throughout the epic saga of humankind.

History repeats itself. We've all heard that, right?

I find it amazing and simultaneously disappointing that works from a philosopher who lived 2500 years ago are so relevant to my life today. Disappointing though, that people have been repeatedly struggling with the same problems as others did millennia ago. For as long as we have written down our history so too has humanity continued to struggle with the same problems.

Despite technological advancements, despite being able to send someone to the moon, as a species were the same as we were thousands of years ago.

So quickly a person learns. So slowly does humanity change. And death is the great equalizer of all.

Philosophy is a powerful teacher. It teaches one how to think outside the bounds of the simulation we are born into. Perhaps ignorance is bliss, perhaps, but without philosophy we're stuck in a feedback loop.

Why Cigars and Whiskey?

Because I enjoy them. They are for me and relax me. These days, I look for peace and quiet. Maybe you understand. I'm done with the orchestrated chaos that permeates so much of our culture. Hell for me would be Judge Judy on repeat. Heaven would be the sound of a gurgling brook, leaves blowing in the wind, and birds announcing a new morning.

Depth of Content

I'll try to keep things light. How much of what we read or watch do we actually retain anyway? I like to boil topics down to their simplest form of understanding. I may or may not site sources. If ancient philosophy isn't opensource, I don't know what is. It will just depend on the mood I'm in and how much scotch I've had.

The speed of life in which we live today caters to little snapshots of intrigue. People like to click, swipe, and move on in a self-doping self-fulfilling social addiction. While I'll never compete with that, I'll try and keep things succinct.


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